Zrak Hall, Hotel Rikli Balance
In partnership with ITF Enhancing Human Security.
Victim assistance is one of the main 5 pillars of humanitarian mine action. Without support provided to those affected by landmines and other explosive remnants of war, the civil population can remain incapacitated by the consequences of armed conflict for decades. Victim assistance is merely a matter of medical rehabilitation, but instead requires a comprehensive approach, including psychosocial support and socioeconomic assistance. It has to incorporate a long-term perspective; the involvement of mine victims and their situation has to be included in public policies and frameworks, especially relating to issues of health, disabilities, employment, and education. Mine victims remain after a country is declared mine free, but supporting them requires capacities, expertise and, above all, funding.
The panel will discuss the possibilities of overcoming the divides between mine victims and the donor community, bridging the gap between victim assistance and other fields of humanitarian mine action, and solutions for empowering mine victims.