Climate Change and Security Dynamics

Zrak HallHotel Rikli Balance

Scholars and security agencies around the world view the issue of climate change from two angles: climate change as a threat, and climate change as a threat multiplier. According to IPCCC, the increased magnitude of climate change disasters in coming years will alter countries’ environmental, social, and economic fabric. The resulting degradation of natural resources, reduced opportunities for livelihood and mass displacement and migration will increase competition for resources, and could lead to conflicts, unrest and even wars. However, amicable strategies/policies can prevent the resulting conflicts and mass migration. All of the above and many more dimensions of climate change as a threat multiplier require concerted efforts at the policy level, and discussions among important stakeholders. The session with leading experts and policy makers from around the world will discuss the various dimensions of security threats emerging from climate change effects and possible policy options to prevent climate change from becoming a threat multiplier.

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