Ljubljana Town Hall
Powered by the National Youth Council of Slovenia – Mladinski svet Slovenije – MSS.
The structure of the global population has radically changed over the past years. While one part of the world faces rapid population ageing, the other has a high fertility rate. Changed demographic conditions, combined with technological progress, have presented many challenges to the economic, social, transport, and health-care sectors. As a result, intergenerational relationships are undergoing drastic change which, in turn, will shape the way we understand society and affect all aspects of life. Intergenerational cooperation must be focused on ensuring a decent life in all life periods. Predictions show that in the next few years, there will be more people over the age of 65 than children under 5. As a result, the disparity between these two population groups will constantly increase.
What are the biggest challenges facing different generations regarding the labour market, housing and involvement in social decision-making? What needs to be done to enhance intergenerational cooperation? What are the inspiring best practices of intergenerational cooperation? The answers to these questions and more will be provided at the panel.