Category: Young

Young BSF at 1st “Voice Up” Western Balkans Youth Platform

Young BSF Programme Director Meliha Muherina has moderated a round table at 1st “VOICE UP” Western Balkans Youth Forum organized by Western Balkans Youth Cooperation Platform (WBYCP).

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Young BSF: Mediterranean Dimension of the OSCE

Young BSF ended in Bled with a panel and round-table workshop organised in close cooperation with Italy, which currently chairs the OSCE. Slovenian Foreign Affairs Ministry State Secretary Iztok Mirošič delivered the first address, in which he pointed to the youth as one of the groups most susceptible to radicalisation. This is why it is…

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Young BSF: Conflict Prevention, Peace Building, Peacebuilding and Mediation

The first of the two Young BSF panels that were incorporated into the main forum in Bled this year tried to find ways to prevent conflicts, build peace and use mediation, by focusing on contemporary cases in the Balkans and the Middle East – from the political, cultural and social aspects. Faris Kočan, research assistant…

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Young BSF: Log in, reach out

The digital communication workshop, powered by the Centre for European Perspective and the U.S Department of State, provided Young BSF participants with a theoretical frame and practical advice on digital campaigns, which are the cornerstone of any successful messaging strategy.

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Young BSF: Vision of the Present

Young BFS participants followed up Saturday’s marathon night owl session – at which they engaged in peer-to-peer discussions on policy recommendations for reconciliation, internal and external security, economic development and youth participation – with a workshop that encouraged them to move away from old methodologies being used without success by current political players.

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Young BSF: The World in 60 Minutes

Participants of the Young BSF engaged on Saturday evening in a fireside chat with acclaimed international TV presenter and journalist Ali Aslan, who was given 60 minutes to share his take on the current global situation. Aslan expressed serious concern about developments, most notably the attitude to refugees.

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Young BSF: Making AI Work

One of the panel highlights at this year’s Youth BSF forum started off with a somewhat dystopic picture of the future presented by Filip Muki Dobranič, a philosopher and activist involved in civic tech, studying the effects of the internet on decision making processes. Looking at the future where AI will be “perfected”, Dobranic spoke…

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Young BSF: Disrupting Gender Stereotypes

Youth BSF’s young leaders explored gender stereotypes and their implications in a workshop organized by the Gender Equality Research Institute Slovenia and ran by Nina Pejič.

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Young BSF: Alone We Fail

Saturday morning at the Young BSF began with an extensive workshop led by Timotej Šooš, who is in charge of Slovenia’s efforts to deliver on Agenda 2030 for sustainable development.

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Young BSF: How can Smart Communities Drive Sustainability?

The first day of the 2018 Youth BSF forum concluded with a panel/open format discussion on the possibility of smart communities driving sustainability, although it evolved into a more general debate on sustainable or circular economy as such.

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